What To Do With Leftover Straw? - Straw Bale Gardening Ideas and More
Wondering what to do with old, wet bales and the loose straw created during your home’s construction? Here’s how to put it to good use.
What Type of Mesh to Use in a Straw Bale Build?
When building, the question of what type of mesh to use in a straw bale build is a big one. Learn more about options here.
How Tall Can a Straw Bale Building Be? StrawBale.com
How tall can a straw bale building be? This is a common question. Here’s the info
Building a Strawbale Home on a Steep Slope
Considerations and options for building a strawbale home on a steep slope using basement or pole foundation types.
Hay Houses Are NOT Straw Bale Houses: Why it Matters So Much
Why exactly you cannot use hay to build with? Let’s find out…
Straw Bale Building and Sawtoothed Grain Beetles
Saw Tooth Grain Beetles arrived with the bales and are now setting off smoke detectors. What to in this unusual situation? Learn more here.
Steel Framed Kit Buildings and Straw Bale Construction
Can you use steel framed kit buildings with straw bale construction? Community comments have poured int!
Stick Frame or Trusses on Your Roof Framing?
Although manufactured trusses are more expensive than stick frame roofs when it comes to materials, the labor savings are significant.
Plastering Without Mesh or Lath
When using earth or lime plasters, it is not necessary to use any mesh or lath. Learn more here.