Steel Framed Kit Buildings and Straw Bale Construction

My mother-in-law is having a barn built for her horses. I have been very impressed with the speed with which the structure has been built.

Three to four men have been working on the site for about a day and a half. The entire frame is up, and most of the 2x6 interior wall boards are laid. This has led me to think about steel-framed kit buildings and straw bale construction.

Others have mentioned this to me in the past, and I quite honestly did not see the advantages with the same sense of excitement that I do today. I can imagine having a house framed in two days and ready for bales! Wow, that would be exciting.

I failed to mention that the barn currently under construction is no small affair. It is about 3000 SF, so the day and a half progress is very impressive.

My mother-in-law said she had many opportunities to fine-tune the design to her liking, but not so many that she became overwhelmed. That is a great balance. If you have any experience with steel-framed kit buildings and straw bale construction, please let us know!

-Andrew Morrison

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Andrew Morrison

Retired - Cofounder of


Straw Bale Building and Sawtoothed Grain Beetles


Tropical Climates and Straw Bale Construction