Dealing With Rain Splash Back on Your Strawbale House
There are two main ways to protect against rain splash on a strawbale house. Read them here plus other tips to keep your strawbale house walls rain-safe.
Assessing Moisture in a Straw Bale Wall & How To Deal With It
Here are the basic things to know about assessing moisture in a straw bale wall.
Straw Bale Moisture Meter: A Must-Have Tool & How To Use It
If you plan to build with bales, you absolutely must have a straw bale moisture meter with a probe. It is so valuable that we consider it a "must have," not a "it would be cool to have" tool.
Strawbale Construction - Avoiding Air Leaks with Plaster Stops
Learn how to prevent air gaps at interior wall junctions, or posts, connected to your strawbale walls in this Straw Bale Minute video.
Straw Houses - How To Protect Your Bales Before Construction
Protect your investment in quality bales for construction. Learn how to properly store bales before installation, includes stacking drawings.
Simplify the Installation of Roofing Felt Behind Your Plaster
I wanted to share a few great tips to simplify the installation of the roofing felt needed on wood that lies behind your plaster. As you know (or may be learning...right now...) you have to cover all wood that will end up behind plaster with roofing felt or an equivalent product.