Psocid Infestations in Straw Bale Homes
These tiny little insects are also known as booklice and bark-lice and are known to feed on old books and other natural materials. It’s rare to have them infest a straw bale house, but it can happen. Here’s how to handle it.
The Importance of the Right Sand in Your Plaster
A hard lesson about the importance of finding the right sand for your plaster mix.
Earthworks Eco Villages - A Design Service For Smart Communities
Earthworks Eco Villages is a professional incubation and design service providing project planning, design and development for intentional communities.
Pakistan and Appropriate Straw Bale Building
This is an amazing organization that I want to share with you all in hopes that you can help support what they do.
Straw Bale Load Bearing Wall Heights
Learn more about straw bale load bearing wall heights.
Speed Up Your Post and Beam Framing -
Proper framing techniques will speed and simplify your process. Follow these straightforward steps to get your frame erected quickly and much more easily than standard post and beam framing practices.
Straw Bale Landscape Wall Construction
The straw bales not only provide privacy but also superior soundproofing. Do you live in a loud neighborhood? Building a straw bale landscape wall instead of a typical privacy fence around your garden may be a better choice.
Firmly Attach Mesh to Protect Your Plaster
When working with straw bale buildings, some people wonder whether mesh is necessary or not. I personally think it offers so many advantages..[read more]
Straw Bale Home Appraisal Tips
Getting a straw bale home appraisal is one of the harder aspects of construction. Why? Because there are not very many, if any, comparable sales of straw bale homes out there. So how do you jump this hurdle? There are a couple ways to do it.