Off-Grid Living: 5 Advantages of Straw Bale Housing
Homesteading Dainella Nartker Homesteading Dainella Nartker

Off-Grid Living: 5 Advantages of Straw Bale Housing

Not all people who build straw bale homes build them off the grid, and not all people living off the grid do so in straw bale housing. But the two are as powerful a combo as peanut butter and jelly for many reasons! We’ll share five of our favorites, but first things first. Just what do we mean by ‘off-grid living’?

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Straw Bale Home is Cover of Fine Homebuilding
Product and Book Reviews Andrew Morrison Product and Book Reviews Andrew Morrison

Straw Bale Home is Cover of Fine Homebuilding

For those of you who have been curious what it will take to help straw bale homes become more mainstream, this may be a part of the answer. David Arkin and Annie Tilt (Arkin-Tilt Architects) have received many awards over the years and their straw bale homes have at least twice graced the covers of Fine Homebuilding Magazine, this time in the fall 2014 edition of Small Homes Cabins and Cottages.

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