Easier Insurance and Lending for Straw Bale Homes
The inclusion of straw bale construction in the International Residential Code (IRC) has made it easier to get insurance and lending for straw bale homes. It may not be as easy as getting insurance and lending on conventional homes yet, but we are making major headway.
Land Development Process Revealed
Allow me to share with you what I've learned over my 20 years as a professional builder and land developer. This is for anyone interested in the start to finish process of finding, developing, and building on raw land.
Plumbing Details in Straw Bale Construction
You have likely heard me say this before, but it is worth saying again: keep your plumbing out of your bales. Of course, it's not as simple as that when it comes to adding plumbing to a straw bale house. There are obviously more details to consider in…