Exterior Lime Finish Plaster Color Refresh

Timbo Scursso demonstrating the application of a finish lime plaster refresh coat on a straw bale home.

Sometimes, you just want to freshen up the color coat of plaster on your straw bale home. Here's a quick video demonstrating how to apply a sleek finish coat of lime plaster on a straw bale wall using a tile sponge.

This technique allows for precise control of the infill of any spider cracks and the look of the finish. The pressure and circular motion used to apply the refresh color lime coat adjusts the finished look to preference.

Tile sponges are easy to find at most local hardware stores and are affordable tools. Keep the sponge clean as you go to avoid drying out of the material on the sponge. This is easy to do with a nearby bucket of clean water to rinse the sponge in. This avoids getting dried chunks of lime plaster on the sponge that would affect the finished look of your new color coat.

Have specific questions about lime mixes and application for your straw bale home? No problem. Here’s more information on consulting options where you can get the information you need to feel confident to knock this home maintenance to-do item off your list!

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